Review of The Multimedia Bible (Jewel Case)
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Review of Encyclopedia Britannica Profiles: World Religions (Jewel Case)
All in all, I'm definitely not impressed...as far as content, what I read so far seemed fine, it's just that the design and layout of the interface was very poorly configured.
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Review of Quickverse Bible Pda Edition For Pocketpc & Palm Os
The other books and reference materials are excellent, and would be great for any pastor or Sunday School teacher who might need some inspiration for sermons or studies. They also should prove valuable for personal study and growth.
However, there are some technical problems with this version at the time of this writing. First, some of the Bible versions don't play well with the others. The NASB, for example,cannot be viewed in parallel with other versions. Also, searching for the occurance of certain words in some Bible versions fails to list some. For example, searching for the word "confess" does not show that it occurs in James 5:16. Searching for "looking" and "Jesus" should return at least 8 instances, but only reveals 2. "Looking to Jesus" reveals none in a search of the ESV, even though Heb. 12:12 has that exact phrase!
Such bugs occur in at least five Bible translations, perhaps more.
Assuming that these bugs are fixed, this will be awesome software. Until they are, this software is of use only if you want to read a vast library. It is of little use for study or sermon preparation.
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Review of QuickVerse Bible Study Black Box Edition (Mac)
The other books and reference materials are excellent, and would be great for any pastor or Sunday School teacher who might need some inspiration for sermons or studies. They also should prove valuable for personal study and growth.
However, there are some technical problems with this version at the time of this writing. First, some of the Bible versions don't play well with the others. The NASB, for example,cannot be viewed in parallel with other versions. Also, searching for the occurance of certain words in some Bible versions fails to list some. For example, searching for the word "confess" does not show that it occurs in James 5:16. Searching for "looking" and "Jesus" should return at least 8 instances, but only reveals 2. "Looking to Jesus" reveals none in a search of the ESV, even though Heb. 12:12 has that exact phrase!
Such bugs occur in at least five Bible translations, perhaps more.
Assuming that these bugs are fixed, this will be awesome software. Until they are, this software is of use only if you want to read a vast library. It is of little use for study or sermon preparation.
Product Description
Comprehensive easy-to-use reference library for Biblestudy and lesson preparationProduct InformationQuickVerse Mac has been created from the ground up to be a truly native OS-Xapplication that is extremely easy to use and provides distinct Mac features toanyone interested in Bible reading Bible study sermon preparation orteaching! Mac users will find QuickVerse Mac to be an intuitive andMac-embracing Bible study software whether you are a casual reader or a biblescholar.You don't need to be a Bible scholar to produce magnificent lessons for yourstudy group. Instead wow them with colorful imaginativepresentations! With over 2000 pictures and 50 color maps of the Holy Landto choose from QuickVerse can help you bring your lessons to life! Don'tforget that QuickVerse also gives you instant access to more Bibles andreference works.Whether you are a casual reader or a Bible scholar QuickVerse gives youeverything you need for captivating Bible study. Each feature has beencarefully developed to be very sophisticated yet easy to use. Whether youare studying Jesus' life and teachings or Moses' journey through the desertQuickVerse enables you to understand your scripture better than ever before!QuickVerse is the key to quick preparation of enlightening and insightfulsermons. Imagine having access to the top commentaries study notes andchurch history compilations instantly! Easily add your own notes orcomments as you study then instantly copy the reference material. Or youcan simply search by topic keyword book chapter or verse and watch yoursermon unfold before your eyes!Create plan and research Biblical information faster and easier than ever!Product HighlightsQuickVerse Mac Works for You!QuickVerse Mac Black Box Edition contains 12 Bibles and 56 reference titles tohelp you gain an even deeper and lasting understanding of God's Word.Bible scholars pastors teachers group leaders students and new believerscan all harn
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Review of Early Church Fathers Protestant Edition [CD] (CD-ROM)
But this edition doesn't get more than three!This is an electronic edition of "The Early Church Fathers" 38 volume set, edited by Philip Schaff, currently in re-print by a number of vendors.It's entitled "Protestant Edition" because it retains the vast number of notes and essays, penned mostly by 19th century Protestant scholars with serious anti-Catholic issues.So it loses one star here.The set loses a second star because it is quite dated.In the last 100 years, better, more scholarly translations have been published -- a fact recognized by Protestant and Catholic scholars alike.
NEVERTHELESS, this is a set well worth acquiring; and the electronic search features make research much less time consuming.
Product Description
Early Church Fathers w Notes - Logos Bible SoftwareIncludes Overview Guidebook to scroll w book as a "compass"
Search by Word/phrase, Topics (30,000) or Scripture cites.Annotate to the word level, drag/drop excerpts into note files.
About the Author
Ante - Nicene and Post Nicene Church Fathers
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Review of Old Testament New Testament Exegesis Books (Stuart & Fee) CD
This book's target audience is an academic one whose end to exegesis will be a paper (or an expository sermon), but as a layman I have found it to be extremely helpful, even indispensable, in my exegetical endeavors to better learn and therefore accurately apply the Word of God. Also, the book is written primarily for those who know Greek (I do not know enough to even be dangerous); however, in the new edition Fee has made the attempt to provide alternative exercises (such as compare many different versions and maybe use a textual commentary to try to determine as close as possible the original) for the English only student.
CHAPTER 1: Guide for Full Exegesis
Chapter 1 basically organized in outline form, providing first the "initial steps for all genres," first naming the major exegetical step that must be performed and then providing more and more detailed information and guidance on each step. Then moving past the steps that are the same for all genres, Fee gives the steps necessary for various genres (i.e. Epistles, Gospels, Revelation, etc). Finally the chapter ends with a section on moving from interpretation to application.
CHAPTER 2: Exegesis and the Original Text
Also arranged in outline format with the following sections (1) Structural Analysis, (2) Establishing the Text, (3) Analysis of Grammer, (4) Analysis of Words, (5) Historical-Cultural Background, and (6) Analysis of Pericope. Just as in the other chapters, the outline works from very general headings and general paragraphs of information to very specific and technical subheadings.
CHAPTER 3: Short Guide for Sermon Exegesis
I find myself often in Chatper 3 as I study as Fee uses this chapter to show how good, solid exegesis will move into the most powerful, Word-filled sermons. If you teach from the Word (as a pastor, small group leader, youth group leader, whatever) I recommend this book and this chapter in addition to Rediscovering Expository Preaching by MacArthur et al.
Fees ends in referring the student to othe very useful resources organized by type.
I would be amiss if I did not address the one downside to this book which I believe is the temptation to "do the steps" and skip the prayer, the heartsearching, the repentance, the awe, the worship. An unregenerate person can "do the steps" and if done responsibly come up with an exegetical position, maybe even a correct one. We cannot know God through human wisdom (1 Cor 1:21). Fee mentions this temptation, but it is by no means the focus of the book, nor should it be. The temptation to be purely academic in Bible study is a great one, and a "how to" book on the subject could propagate this error in some. However the book should not be condemned simply because the method of presentation (which is a highly effective one) could be taken by the cold hearts of some to their folly. Rather, understand the evil of your own heart which is always beside you (Romans 7:21), crucify your flesh, repent where necessary, and seek the truth of God which is found in the Bible with a disciplined, passionate fervor. It is in this final endeavor that "New Testament Exegesis" is invaluable.
Finally, if you use Libronix Digital Library System, I would STRONGLY recommend you go ahead and buy this along with Stuart's Old Testament Exegesis book for Logos. If not you will find yourself with a dog-eared and bookmarked book as you flip back and forth as Fee makes extensive use of referencing other portions of his text.
Product Description
These two books have been standards texts for exegesis classes around the world for more than twenty years. Each serves as a step-by-step guide to the process of exegesis, and both feature annotated bibliographies for the entire process. New Testament Exegesis provides detailed introductions to standard reference works and instructions on how to use (and get the most out of) things like the critical apparatus, the BDAG lexicon, and other texts. - These books have influenced the design of Logos Bible Software, and many of the texts referenced in these works are already available in Libronix DLS format for use with it; others will be available in the future.
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Review of QuickVerse 2005 Standard Edition
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Review of Quickverse Expanded 7.0
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Review of Treasures of the Bible 3 CD-ROM Set (Jewel Case)
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Review of Scholar's Collection 6 Core Bundle
I have used this product since its inception. It continues to move from strength to strength, providing simple and complex search resources for biblical texts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek; Second Temple Judaism and post-biblical Jewish texts (including Mishna, Qumran, and the Targums) in Aramaic and Hebrew, and a host of other Bibles and classical sources. Many or most of these are grammatically tagged.
You can also add on modules like the classic Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew-Aramaic lexicon (the famous 'BDB') and the fabulous Koehler-Baumgartner dictionary. I have not even kept up with OakTree Software's recent forays into Bible Atlases and Photo Guides, but I've seen enough to know that I'll be impressed when I do.
As a value added, the good folks at OakTree put on workshops for users, where oohs and ahs are to be heard emanating from users like me who suddenly realize that Accordance can even do *that*!
Perhaps most remarkably of all, OakTree staff actually answer phone calls and emails, promptly, helpfully, and without making you feel like a techno-maggot.
Product Description
Whether you're a pastor, student, translator, or Bible scholar, the Accordance Scholar's Collection gives you everything you need to explore the original Greek and Hebrew texts. Most of the Greek and Hebrew texts available on this CD-ROM are "tagged" with information about the dictionary form of each word, as well as its grammatical analysis. This enables you to examine the original languages of Scripture with unprecedented power and ease. Position your cursor over any word to see its lexical form and parsing. Triple-click to look it up in your favorite lexicon. Search by lexical form to find every inflected form of a word. Access statistical information about how many times a particular grammatical form is used. You can even construct complex grammatical searches using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface! The Core Bundle includes the Scholar's Collection 6.1 and Bible Unlock CD-ROMs with Accordance 6.1.2, KJV and Apocrypha, ASV, six Parallel databases, Greek New Testament NA27, BHS with Westminster Hebrew Morphology, Louw & Nida Semantic Domain Lexicon, Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon, and your choice of one $30 Bible. Additional grammatically tagged modules available for unlocking on this CD-ROM include the Greek Septuagint, Mishna, Qumran Manuscripts, Targums, Apostolic Fathers, Inscriptions, and Pseudepigrapha. Other add-on modules include Greek and Hebrew lexicons, grammars, and unique scholarly tools.
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Review of Treasures of the Bible II: The Christian Resource Center
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Review of Wisdom of the Bible
Product Description
Explore God's Word without the hassle of wading through piles of books. With Wisdom of the Bibleyou can reference the most in-depth Bibles biblical resourcesmultimedia guides and historical texts from two easy-to-use CD-ROMs.This engaging collection inclu
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Review of Maxima Bible Library 6.0
Product Description
An Award Winning Collection that is powerful yeteasy and fun to use!Product InformationThe Maxima Bible Library contains a powerful software interface that people havegrown to love and appreciate. It contains Bibles and references plus awonderful mu
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Review of Mega Bible Library 6.0
Product Description
The Mega Bible Library opens up the Bible to both the novice and scholar, with its powerful, yet easy to use software interface. Includes 24 Bibles with multiple references, commentaries, concordances, Bible maps, games and much more!
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Review of Jesus: Gospels & Paintings
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